All that we do is for the creation of a diverse society
where people can be themselves no matter who they are.
Anybody who has lived abroad has undoubtedly faced a number hurdles in creating a life for themselves.
How many foreign people would be able to settle in Japan
if they had the support of a company that has made these hurdles the basis for their business?
How many people would be able to develop an even deeper love for Japan?
In our current age of information and automatization, we believe individuality is of the utmost importance.
We are adamant about creating a society in which each individual is able to live in their own way.
The realization of such a society is our ideal.

Spinning individuality, weaving thoughts
The spinning of individual threads of expressions and the weaving of these threads into a strong cloth – this is the motif for our logo. By bringing different kinds of individuals together, we hope to take their thoughts and ideas and weave them into new shared values. The “MOTTO” in our name refers to both the meanings of the Japanese ‘motto'(i.e. []) and the English ‘motto’ (i.e. [mɒt.oʊ]). When goals and dreams are unclear, one can make their life even richer and more meaningful by delving further into their personal interests, come to love them even more ([]), and manifest their life’s meaning ([mɒt.oʊ]) through their efforts. In our logo, this “MOTTO” is split into two parts (thoughts) represented by two “Ms” – one above the other: dō and sei. Dōsei is a Japanese word meaning “developments.” It is written with the characters for “movement” and “quiet.” Each character is represented by the “Ms” in our logo. With the cooperation of CO&CO we will work towards creating a society in which people can live in their own way.
- Company Name
- Representative
- Zhijie Wu
- Location
- Aoyama Palacio Tower 11F 3-6-7 Kita Aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0061 JAPAN
- Incorporation
- February 2019
- Capital
- 5 Million JPY
- Shareholder
- CO&CO Co., Ltd.
- Main Business
Everyday Life Information Services for Foreign People
・Motto Japan Media – Inbound Marketing
・Motto Japan Study – Study Abroad Information Services
・Motto Japan Work – Job/Career Recruitment Information Services
・Motto Japan Live – Real Estate Information Services
・Motto Japan Community – Fan Marketing
We aim to create a diverse society that is livable for all by building foundations and opening doors to life in a Japan where individuality is respected regardless of nationality, age, or profession.
To welcome the increasing number of foreign residents who come to Japan with an appreciation for the Japanese lifestyle, we aim to provide the support necessary to overcome language, career, and life obstacles in Japan. We hope to create a country that is supportive of the values of all by offering a platform in which like-minded people can come together to form communities that nurture individuality among their members. Through the creation of this community platform, we hope to make life in Japan better and more enjoyable for its foreign residents by connecting to the world to Japan and sharing everything that makes the country special.
Media × Community
The spinning of individual threads of expressions and the weaving of these threads into a strong cloth – this is the motif for our logo. By bringing different kinds of individuals together, we hope to take their thoughts and ideas and weave them into new shared values. The “MOTTO” in our name refers to both the meanings of the Japanese ‘motto'(i.e. []) and the English ‘motto’ (i.e. [mɒt.oʊ]). When goals and dreams are unclear, one can make their life even richer and more meaningful by delving further into their personal interests, come to love them even more ([]), and manifest their life’s meaning ([mɒt.oʊ]) through their efforts. In our logo, this “MOTTO” is split into two parts (thoughts) represented by two “Ms” – one above the other: dō and sei. Dōsei is a Japanese word meaning “developments.” It is written with the characters for “movement” and “quiet.” Each character is represented by the “Ms” in our logo. With the cooperation of CO&CO we will work towards creating a society in which people can live in their own way.